Role-Playing Games Demo Scenarios

Over the years, I've run quite a few RPG demo scenarios at conventions, and accumulated notes and PC character sheets for many of them. Some have ended up being converted for publication, but some weren't really suited for that purpose. So I've finally got my finger out and decided to put them online in PDF format.

I should emphasise that these aren't publication-quality material; they're the sort of notes I make when designing something to run for myself, plus character sheets and sometimes additional character notes for the pregen player characters. And while I'm often anal-retentive enough to make the notes stupidly detailed and somewhat tidily formatted, I can't guarantee that other people will be able to run games from these without some preparation and ability to improvise. However, anyone who can accept these limitations is more than welcome to give them a go. In all cases, of course, the game systems and settings I'm using are copyright their original creators or publishers, as appropriate.

The Discworld Roleplaying Game

Other GURPS Settings and Genres

Other Games Systems


I use the sample characters in the rulebook when demo'ing this game, so there are no hero character sheets here.

HARP Steampunk


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