The Palazzo Thearini

The Keepers of the Palazzo

Roberto Thearini (High Guild), Mariana Thearini (High Guild), Gabriel Lanier (Celestial Masters), Carlo Thearini (High Guild).

The Blades of Thearini

Carlotta Thearini (High Guild), Cosimo Ghelli (High Guild), Antonio Sfarzi (High Guild), Antonio Thearini (Hippocratic Circle), Abraham Orafo (High Guild).

The Knights of the Wave

Captain Diatelli (Void Seekers), Alexander Ekotherios (Void Seekers), Martin Thearini (High Guild), Jessemini Talos (Void Seekers).

Rowan Castle

The Magistrate’s Gonfalon

Commander Northbridge (Gabrielites), Jean de Trèves (Gabrielites), Father Roderick (Gabrielites), Cuthbert Shand (Ksirafai).

The Shield-Hand Lance

Arthur of Southwark (Gabrielites), William Harkness (Artificers), Lionel Carver (Gabrielites).

The Sword-Hand Lance

Perkin Thorne (Gabrielites), Edgar Earlham (Gabrielites).

The Turcopoles

Martin Young (Gabrielites), John Wallis (Gabrielites), Maria van Ruyter (Artificers).

The Esquire’s Lance

Zebedee Welsh (Gabrielites), Florence of Worcester (Gabrielites), Dougal Stewart (Artificers), Dylan Owens (Artificers), Brian of Berwick (Gabrielites).

The Chancellery

Andre of Sark (Artificers), Father Paul of Falmouth (Choeur Celeste), Brother Luke (Gabrielites).

The Armory

Peter Jaspers (Artificers), Gregory Nixon (Artificers), Nils of Norway (Artificers), Charles of Westmorland (Craftmasons).

The White Tower of Languedoc

Les Ouvriers

Gerard de Limoges (Craftmasons), Mortimer Affermis (Craftmasons), Marie Affermis (Craftmasons), Eberhardt Schmidt (Craftmasons), Lambert Jacks (Artificers), Marthe Hilaire (Artificers), Albert de Paris (Artificers), Antoine Couvreur (Gabrielites), Miguel Destro (High Guild).

The Villici

Padraig O’Mara (Artificers), Proavia Judith Miller (Hippocratic Circle), Elena des Tomasi (Celestial Masters), Rugero Atharios (High Guild), Rutger van Bergen (Ksirafai).

The Followers of Heraclius

Jupilus of Delft (Gabrielites), Armand le Malheureux (Gabrielites), Thiery Queneste (Gabrielites), Alfons Tabriac (Gabrielites), Vilham Mucha (Gabrielites), Antonio d’Milan (Artificers), Hans Schwartz (Artificers).

Those Who Venture

Maxima Sabina Valmarana (Celestial Masters), Maximus Wolfgang von Reismann (High Guild), Doctor Enzo Esquello (Celestial Masters), Andrew of Fife (Void Seekers), Lars Sigmundsson (Void Seekers).

The Marshals of the Light

Maurice Illerine (Gabrielites), Ignati Dmitriovich (Gabrielites), Pierre Delors (Craftmasons).

The Delegation of the Four Corners

Sundiata Rashi (High Guild), Eleonora Parvellides (Ksirafai), Hsuan Hsi (Wu Lung), Abd-Allah ibn Sali’a (Void Seekers), Shakla bint-Attar (Hands of Mercy/Cosians), Father Yakov Andronovich (Gabrielites).