UK RPG Convention Calendar

2024: | JUNE | JULY | AUGUST | SEPTEMBER | OCTOBER | 2025: | MAY | JUNE | Regular Events and Megagames


This is a list of conventions and events, taking place in the British Isles, with at least some significant role-playing games element. I try to keep it current, but I make absolutely no guarantees about anything I mention. I reserve the right not to include events that appear to be only very marginally relevant to RPG'ing, and I have a bias in favour of "tabletop" RPGs.

Calendar File Form: Roger Bell West has set up a site which converts this page to standard calendar file format, and updates that file periodically. See for this. Or - I'm told that by using webcal:// instead, you should be able to "subscribe" to this calendar. Note that I haven't looked at this since this page changed URL.

Organisers Note:

Mail If you want your convention listed here, e-mail me with a date, URL, and any information that you want mentioned here, up to a couple of short paragraphs' worth.

Advice on Organising Conventions:

I once, long ago, saved the text of a Usenet discussion on the art of UK RPG convention organisation; it's on this site as ConOrganising.txt. It's doubtless largely out of date these days, but it might still have its uses. Anyone interested in the subject might also do very well to look at the notes on the subject published by the organisers of Concrete Cow.

Linking to this Page:

This page was created as a public service, and I'm happy for it to be used as widely as possible (so long as I don't get blamed for anything). Anyone creating or maintaining another RPG-related page is welcome to include a link to this URL.


This is a completely voluntary, non-profit project which I perform for its own sweet sake. Still, if anyone wants to encourage me in this, please feel free to use the tip jar:

Alternatively, you can buy a copy of my mini-book, A Dozen Castle Images, which is priced at "Pay What You Like", and pay me something for it.

The Events

June 2024

28th-30th June: Summer Stabcon 2024, at The Guildhall, 169-171 Wellington Rd South, Stockport, SK1 3UA. A long-running, informal tabletop games convention, which always features some roleplaying. As it is no longer residential, members have to sort out their own accommodation. ("There are several hotels in the area plus various AirBnBs and other options.") Book online through I'm not sure about prices, as they're not on the front page of the form, but last time, weekend membership was £20 and single-day membership was £10. Contact for more information.

July 2024

26th-29th July: Continuum 2024, at Cranfield University CMDC, Wharley End, Cranfield, MK43 0AW. (Note: this location has changed due to an unexpected cancellation by the usual venue.) This long-running, previously biannual convention has now gone annual. See for more information.

August 2024

9th-11th August: Grand Tribunal, in Cheltenham (I believe that they use a couple of sites around the town.) "Grand Tribunal is the European convention for Atlas Games' Ars Magica role-playing game. ... Grand Tribunal is a roleplaying, freeform and boardgame convention dedicated to the games and settings of Atlas Games. The convention is of especial interest to fans of Ars Magica, and also Unknown Armies, Over the Edge, Rune and other Atlas Games rpgs. We also have some freeform larp games, but a large Ars Magica themed game suitable for everyone, and some smaller freeforms (in fact the first 'Nordic style' larp run in the UK took place at Grand Tribunal in 2007). ... Grand Tribunal is a small, intimate and friendly event, and while it attracts a number of Ars Magica and RPG authors, it is very accessible to even casual gamers." Tickets are £20 waged, £10 unwaged, with some group and other discounts available. See for more information.

September 2024

6th-8th September: Tabletop Scotland, at The Royal Highland Centre, Edinburgh. ("Next door to Edinburgh airport.") All I've got for this so far is what's on the Web page:; tickets aren't on sale yet, but there are a range of prices quoted. It's a general tabletop games event, but that includes 170+ RPG sessions, plus stuff like seminars, panels, and a bring & buy.

21st September: Concrete Cow 24.5, at The Old Bath House, Wolverton, Milton Keynes. Preliminar6y announcement of the date and location only so far... Watch for those further announcements.

October 2024

25th-27th September: ConVocation 2024: Digital Phoenix, Online. (Okay, I don't automatically feature online events - but this one is distinctly UK-oriented.) "While 2023 saw the conclusion of Yog-Sothoth's in-person games days ("ConVocations") after a decade of Mythos merriment, machinations and play, this year (2024) sees us moving ConVocation into the digital realm; expanding our reach and our plans. ... ConVocation 2024 will not simply be a set of discrete games run online, we plan to make it as full a digital event as we can. Items currently in plan include Games, Seminars, Quizzes, Chat Room hangout, Horror film watch-along (with optional commentary), ConVocation TV throughout the weekend (video live streaming from the Oneiric Studio) ... Tickets will go on sale later in the second half of the year with a variety of options, from single game tickets to full weekend packages." For now, I suggest watching for more information as it's released.

May 2025

30th May-1st June: UK Games Expo 2025, at (I assume) The NEC (Halls 1,2, & 3) and the Hilton Metropole Hotel, Birmingham. Britain's biggest general games convention, with lots of RPG sessions (generally run in the Hilton) among other features. Prices depends on ages, number of days, etc., and aside from the Hilton, there are several convenient hotels for accommodation (though those fill up quite fast). Just an initial announcement so far, but watch the Web site at for further developments.

Regular Events

The London Indie RPG Meetup Minicon ("Play small press/indie RPGs") runs one Saturday a month. For location and other details, see or e-mail


These are giant wargame/simulation games, taking most of a day or more, often with some element of role-playing. Many are run in London, others elsewhere. For more explanation, see; there's a calendar of upcoming megagames in the UK (and elsewhere in Europe) at

2024: | JUNE | JULY | AUGUST | SEPTEMBER | OCTOBER | 2025: | MAY | JUNE | Regular Events and Megagames

RPGs Go to my RPGs page.